Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He Beat Me Again...and I Love It.

As things have tightened up I'm encouraging enjoyment of the simpler things in life-- those that don't cost money. One of those has been playing chess with my 12 year old son. We've been playing for at least three years now and he's getting pretty good. He knows all my tricks and I really have to concentrate these days. He's beaten me twice this month- straight up. I think he's getting smart where he will put on a DVD with me facing the TV so I get distracted while the game goes on, or he'll wait until late in the evening when I'm a little tired. The time we spend playing chess is indeed quality time and we both look forward to it-- and we're always 'up for a game'. I look forward to sharing this with him for the rest of our lives- and maybe with his kids some day.
My12 year old son is also playing guitar, and this is another recession past time that doesn't cost a nickel. He actually has a fair appreciation for my music and we've been playing everything from old Credence Tunes and Rolling Stones to Classic Beatles. We spent about two hours yesterday learning 'She's Not There' by the Zombies. He's a little shy about singing yet- but I hear him in his room and in the shower-- I know this will come in time as well.
These are moments of pride and joy for any parent and perhaps if there's a positive side to this depression, it's going to be the reconnection with family in the home and the simple pleasures of life-- spent with one another.

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